The ramblings of a man crazy in love with Jesus, who is blessed to pastor youth in rural Connecticut.
About Me

- Nick
- My name is Nick Ford. I am a pastor in my home town of Stafford,Ct. I was raised by two amazing God loving parents, who always told me about how much Jesus loves me. I came to know Jesus as my personal savior when I was eight years old and for the next seven years God slowly worked on me until brought me to the point where I wanted to be all in for Jesus. So as a sophmore in high school I dedicated my life to Jesus and its been a wild ride! When I was a senior in high school God called me to ministry so when I graduated I attended Word of Life Bible Institute for one year. And was then called back home to work as a church intern in a local church in my home town. Following my internship year God brought me across town to another little church in need of a Youth Pastor.I have only been here for little over a year, but God has done some amazing things in me and through this ministry. We have a long way to go and a lot of growing to do. But God has blessed this Rural Youth Pastor, and I hope he'd use me to be a blessing to you too.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
In summary
Well guys I know that it has been a very long time since I have posted but as promised Nick is back. So a little run down of what I have been doing these past three weeks. The first week of my travels I was in New York at Word of Life Island. And let me tell you this was an amazing week of fellowship and praising the Lord. I made some awesome friend's in my counselor's and fellow TIers. The week after that I was in Philadelphia on a mission's trip where we ran a Vacation Bible School for two of the inner city churches. And again it was a great week of fellowship and praise an even better because on top of all that we got the chance to spread God's word but more detail's later. And the week after that I spent down in Florida with my parents, grand-parents, and family friends on a cruise. An I know in comparison between that week and the two before it its like wow big difference in focuses. But trust me it was just as spiritually fulfilling as the two weeks before that. So as promised more details about my travels, well on the Island God really blessed me because he started to show me the friends I had in his family. I mean this is personally something that has been really scaring me, I mean High school is over teen club is over an a whole bunch of other things. Everything I have know for the past twelve years is over an it feels like I will never really see my friends anymore. An I was praying in the middle of the night an I prayed God I feel so alone but your always with me and no matter who walks with me on Earth as long as I have you. And you know the amazing thing? The next day at church it seemed like everyone just came up and talked to me. An I couldn't help but be amazed at one God's answers to prayer but also his love that he cared enough to show me here is where your friends are. There right here with me, so I rambled but it was so amazing I had to share. So the week at the Island was a week of fellowship an it was AWESOME. Now it was also another chance for god to humble me. You see I am afraid some times I get a big head on my shoulders and think I'm some kinda of sage an extremely wise teen. Well at TI I was stunned to find I didn't even place in my area, and when I got the review sheets a couple of weeks later I found I did fairly well. its just that everyone else did really good at well. You see the thing I love about God is that he is never afraid to humble us for our benefit. An I find myself praying for God to humble me more and more so I can grow in humility an also the wisdom that God shows to me each time he humbles me. So any who on to Philadelphia this was an amazing experience as well because this week was a combo of living for God and seeing his works be done. It was amazing to see God work in the hearts of those children,teens, and adults.Now I should explain for one thing we were kept on our toes during this trip because nothing seemed to go as we thought it was suppose to. For the first church we had mainly little children around five and under. Also on one day ALL but three of the children left for a Field trip with the day care that was a part of the church. An I can say that God has a sense of humor when he answer's prayers because well the three that were left behind with us. Two of them were the children that I was praying for patience for because they were they troublemakers. So God thought it best to leave us alone with them an I have to say it worked I really don't remember them being to bad after that day when they got the attention and one on one time they needed. Now at the second church we had another curve ball thrown at us, the first day we went there we had only four kids. The group was mainly made up of adults and teens. So again another curve ball that I wasn't expecting but God's will was done . Now this situation was actually enjoyable to me because before we came down to do the trip I really wanted to run the teens class. But Joan one of our group letters really wanted me to stick with the big kids. Well after a couple of the curve balls I ended up being able to go help Joan with the teen class. And to my amazement on the last day of VBS Joan had nothing really prepared for the last lesson so i sat up on the churches balcony an I started flipping through my bible looking for some passages to help out Joan well when I showed her she just gave the lesson over to me. I got to deliver the message of salvation it was the coolest thing every. An also when we came down we brought three boxes of donated bibles to give to the churches. Well I saw those bibles fly off the 'shelves' it was amazing people just keep asking 'Can I have one?' and the second they found out they could they were gone it was so cool. And finally we come to the last part of my travels my week cruising. Now like I said before this was a week just as spiritually fulfilling as the first two weeks. Why you might ask well because i had given it to God. i might not have had fellowship with other believers or spread God's word but I was able to spend the majority of that week in intense prayer with my God. I would find a beautiful veiw of God's ocean an I would sit and just talk to him about my trouble's or blessing and sing praises to him and it was amazing. And you know what is awesome about our God? He is always there sitting and talking back and he even shows his blessing. No lie as I was sitting singing to God I saw a bunch of dolphins start jumping out of the water near our ship. it only made me praise louder. Well there is the summary of my three week travels, but trust me my journey with God isn't over not by a long shot. I might not travel to third world countries but I am a missionary and God has showed me my mission feild, an I am on my way!!!!
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It is so cool when we come to a point in our life when we start to see God in our everyday life. He is not only there for the really big things but He is concerned about the little things as well. Praising God for what He is doing in your life!