The ramblings of a man crazy in love with Jesus, who is blessed to pastor youth in rural Connecticut.
About Me

- Nick
- My name is Nick Ford. I am a pastor in my home town of Stafford,Ct. I was raised by two amazing God loving parents, who always told me about how much Jesus loves me. I came to know Jesus as my personal savior when I was eight years old and for the next seven years God slowly worked on me until brought me to the point where I wanted to be all in for Jesus. So as a sophmore in high school I dedicated my life to Jesus and its been a wild ride! When I was a senior in high school God called me to ministry so when I graduated I attended Word of Life Bible Institute for one year. And was then called back home to work as a church intern in a local church in my home town. Following my internship year God brought me across town to another little church in need of a Youth Pastor.I have only been here for little over a year, but God has done some amazing things in me and through this ministry. We have a long way to go and a lot of growing to do. But God has blessed this Rural Youth Pastor, and I hope he'd use me to be a blessing to you too.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Numbers Don't Match!
Hi guys sorry that I haven't posted in awhile, well something crossed my mind today and I just had to express it. 76% of Americans claim to be Christan's' of one denomination or another, which is about 159 million. An even though this is a pretty dramatic drop in percentage from the 86% in 1990 it is still a fairly large number correct? Well another survey shows that the number of Americans who profess to be born again or saved number only 41%. Now were still thinking wow that's still pretty good I mean we're not the majority but we have a powerful influence in this country. And normally I would agree the numbers seem in our favor. But lets look at another set of numbers. 1% of Americans are homeless about 3.5 million, 14,500-17,500 people are illegally trafficked into the States as slaves. In 2004 4% of Americas children were orphans, over 2.9 million! I could go on an on but I think you get my point. How can there be such a "high" number of born-again believers in this country, but yet there be such pain and suffering. See we may be large in number but so many of us have adopted a small voice. So few of us care for the widow, the orphan, or the homeless. How can that be! now before I start sounding like I'm talking down to you I'm not. I am just as guilty of this as any other, we have grown so distant from the people. The people are our mission field, that is where God wants us among the hurt and needy. Now every man, women, and child hurts in some way for we have so many scars an a emptiness that can only be filled by Christ. But we have been filled we have had our scars treated an although we will always suffer we are now in the great healers hands. And he has told us to spread his word. With our actions an our words. I challenge you today, don't let the needy become far from us but let us hear their wounded plea. Christ heard our plea and he has heard theirs, lets not keep them waiting any longer.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Battling the Flesh
Sorry for being such a slacker in my posts as always I seem to be either really busy or really lazy. Any who I recently got back from an event called Soul fest which was an amazing four days of worship and just plain ol' rock and roll. And while I was there I bought a very interesting book that just called out to me. Its called "The enemy within." and the topic of the book was addressing repeating sin. Which is something I personally struggle with an I thought what a good book I should get it. An as I was flipping through I say the dedication was the following "For Nicholas, my son for victory! An I was amazed an I said to myself alright alright Lord I can take a hint. So I bought the book and just finished reading it an I most say it made many good points. An I just wanted to share some of them its the battle we face every day, the flesh battling the spirit. Swarming in force to keep us from intimacy with our Lord. It really proved itself to be true cause as I'm trying to read this my mind is flying and distracted an I'm thinking wow the author is right if I was reading any other book I'd be totally attentive been when I'm reading for the Lord I'm under attack. this week look at how you are being attacked whenever you live for the Lord. For the enemy strikes the hardest when we are in the spirit.
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